Why I Do TommyLog Videos

Someone asked me where the TommyLog video series started and why do I do it?  So for today’s Tommylog, lets dive right in and do some explaining.

I need to go all the way back to TommyLog #1. The only reason I do this is for my Kids. Madeline, Clara and Tommy. As a divorced father of 3, I don’t get the quality time with them that their mother gets. What messages am I going to instill on them and what will my legacy be? What will I leave them? Some dads leave their kids large sums of money or huge debt, I can’t say I’m leaving either. But what I can say I’m leaving them are small words of wisdom and life lessons they can take with them and use when they are parents.

This is what i chose to leave my kids and if it helps others, bonus.

TommyLog – Lessons Learned from Scanning Tickets

Last weekend Clara and I had the opportunity of doing some charitable services by helping scan tickets at the Kenny Chesney concert at Lambeau Field.While scanning tickets, we witnessed some of the worst that Green Bay had to offer.

We were working the Fleet Farm gate and probably saw, no less than 18 people get ejected from the concert. Some escorted, some carried – all intoxicated. We saw one guy get cuffed and stuffed, we saw one get maced. Not a pleasant sight.

The a really good friend said this – “at least you got to spend the time together” and that set me back a bit. You know she is absolutely right. This was a major teaching moment for me and I’m glad I was a part of it.

THANK YOU for your comment and helping me see this.

TommyLog – Changing Someone’s Life for the Better!

Received a very powerful message from a life long friend Peter. Peter and I became friends back in grade school at Barker Road Elementary and have shared computer geek passions ever since. Peter shared a experience he had at a fast food restaurant that touched me deeply enough to share it in church on Sunday and with you now.

I feel so blessed to have learned this life lesson and to know… sometimes we need a little perspective.

Sir, Please Buckle your Seat Belt!

Fasten Seat Belt While Seated
Image by _moonpie via Flickr

So I just took my seat on a flight from St. Louis to Minneapolis. Nothing new or glamorous about that. The flight attendants are making their rounds up and down the isles, and one in particular seems about as condescending as could be. I realize I’m not in first class and I know perfectly well that all my luggage needs to fit in the overhead compartment or underneath the seat in front of me THANK YOU!

So as others are still getting situated and hoisting luggage into the overhead bins.. one the finest attendants on a trip past me says, “Sir, please buckle your seat belt!” in a rather snotty tone, if I do say myself. Never being one for a loss of words I reply “With all do respect, you have yet to show me how to properly buckle. Once you show me how to do it, I’ll give it a shot.”

And with that… you could hear snickers and laughs coming from the peanut gallery aka other passengers and she scoffed off.  I think I may have heard an audible “DING” but I’m not 100% sure about that.

When was the last time someone gave you a test before you were shown the material? Seriously

Lesson learned I say…

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