Why I Do TommyLog Videos

Someone asked me where the TommyLog video series started and why do I do it?  So for today’s Tommylog, lets dive right in and do some explaining.

I need to go all the way back to TommyLog #1. The only reason I do this is for my Kids. Madeline, Clara and Tommy. As a divorced father of 3, I don’t get the quality time with them that their mother gets. What messages am I going to instill on them and what will my legacy be? What will I leave them? Some dads leave their kids large sums of money or huge debt, I can’t say I’m leaving either. But what I can say I’m leaving them are small words of wisdom and life lessons they can take with them and use when they are parents.

This is what i chose to leave my kids and if it helps others, bonus.

TommyLog – What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? What makes you happiest? Are you the type of person that does stuff that makes you sad or what makes you mad. Or do you only do things to make you happy?

Drew loves angry birds– that makes him happy. Emma loves to draw and to do art stuff, which makes her happy. Tommy loves Minecraft and love solving those puzzles and loves learning its tools. Clara loves to dance. Madeline loves to cook. I love solving problems and love doing things for others.

There are so many people who complain in life. So many people were just not happy. Why do you waste your time and do things that don’t make you happy. If you’re not happy in this situation that you’re in, change.

Stop complaining and do something about it.

TommyLog Dad, Ready To Answer The Call

Over the weekend I had one of those “Dad Moments” you see in the movies, but never happens to you. Well it was late on Saturday evening and i received a text from my daughter Madeline.

“Dad are you there?”

“YES I replied”

“I need you to come and get me”

And without hesitation the answer was a resounding yes and I flew out of the house to come whisk her away from her troubles. The wheres and why are not important to this story. The fact that she called me is what’s a big deal here. She knew she could count on me and I didn’t disappoint. As a father you always want to be there for your kids regardless of time or date.. and this was one of those amazing moments I’m sure glad i was there for her!

For the Love of Animals

For the last 2 days, the “gym movie” has been the same at my local gym. War Horse was the movie and though I was listening to my tunes on my iPhone, I still got a good deal out of the movie… or the part that I watched.

War Horse was set in WWI with the battle between the British and the Germans. One moment that hit home was the scene where the horse became tangled in barbed wire. There was a British soldier that put a white flag on his bayonet and went to the rescue of the horse. When he reached the horse, he realized he didn’t have any wire cutters with him and the horse was pretty tangled. A German solder then came out of his foxhole and offered his wire cutters.
I thought it was so remarkable that 2 people, fighting against each other with such verbosity could come together when an animal was in trouble. This led me to think about some friends I have today and their hard work in the name of animals and how much tireless energy they put in for animal “no kill” shelters. I find it so interesting how much energy gets put into keeping puppies and kittens from being sacrificed but yet when it comes to human a baby that does not seem to be the case. What would these people who love animals so dearly think if they knew that baby kittens or puppies were being.  The news is littered with human examples of indifference… if this were a cute and cuddly animal… who would be outraged then?