Why I Do TommyLog Videos

Someone asked me where the TommyLog video series started and why do I do it?  So for today’s Tommylog, lets dive right in and do some explaining.

I need to go all the way back to TommyLog #1. The only reason I do this is for my Kids. Madeline, Clara and Tommy. As a divorced father of 3, I don’t get the quality time with them that their mother gets. What messages am I going to instill on them and what will my legacy be? What will I leave them? Some dads leave their kids large sums of money or huge debt, I can’t say I’m leaving either. But what I can say I’m leaving them are small words of wisdom and life lessons they can take with them and use when they are parents.

This is what i chose to leave my kids and if it helps others, bonus.

TommyLog – Divorce Just Stinks!

I have been watching the family of a dear friend fall apart and to be honest IT STINKS! The fighting, the yelling, the tears and the lies that are being told –just stunning. The fact of the matter they have a 9 year old and she is being pushed and pulled and torn. Watching this just breaks my heart. It’s just not her fault. She needs love and she needs parents. Divorce is war, plain and simple. it is 100% okay to disagree I get that, but to carry on and to treat your spouse like this..in front of the child to boot. WOW JUST WOW! What grade are you in?