TommyLog – Be More Like Mr Whitney

Hey Kids it’s dad, and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you about a influential teacher in my life. Mr. Richard Whitney was my music teacher while I was at Barker Road Junior High school. From grade 7 through nine I took music class chorus and was actually a member of the AV club where he was the advisor.

Mr. Whitney was a tech head, free spirit and loved rock ‘n’ roll music. I was in at least two plays were Mr. Whitney let the music, bye-bye Birdie and Oklahoma.

Mr. Whitney never wore socks. That was his trademark. Even to concerts he would be dressed up in a tux, he would have no socks on. Just awesome!!

One of my most memorable experiences with Mr. Whitney was the week the newest Rush album came out. Signals was the title and we spent an entire class dissecting the album song by song. Back in that day we were listening to the album on vinyl. He would stop songs mid song and we go through the lyrics so that we understood what was trying to be said.

I know for hundred percent certainty that my love of music and The rock bands Yes and Rush came from Mr. Whitney.

Thank you for sharing your life and your talents with me.

Kids, we really need to be a lot more like Mr. Whitney!!

TommyLog – Lessons Learned from Scanning Tickets

Last weekend Clara and I had the opportunity of doing some charitable services by helping scan tickets at the Kenny Chesney concert at Lambeau Field.While scanning tickets, we witnessed some of the worst that Green Bay had to offer.

We were working the Fleet Farm gate and probably saw, no less than 18 people get ejected from the concert. Some escorted, some carried – all intoxicated. We saw one guy get cuffed and stuffed, we saw one get maced. Not a pleasant sight.

The a really good friend said this – “at least you got to spend the time together” and that set me back a bit. You know she is absolutely right. This was a major teaching moment for me and I’m glad I was a part of it.

THANK YOU for your comment and helping me see this.

TommyLog – We Need A Lot More Bobs Around Here

Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet master PGA Teacher Bob Burns from Appleton, WI. I listened and was in awe the difference he is making without beloved wounded veterans. Bob helps teach vets who have been injured in the line of duty how to golf. Not just how to golf, but how to overcome things that their services of the country has taken away from them, like a lost limb or joint.

Bob showed me this huge 5″ thick 3-ring binder picture after picture of examples of how he helped soldier after solder. Some with lost legs, and arms. some bound to wheel chairs. Bob custom made golf gloves, braces and clubs for each individual to help them overcome their special needs and situations. Such a small act left such a HUGE impact. The more I looked,  the more the tears came and I just got so emotional seeing the smiles on these vets faces after spending time with Bob.

Bob was awarded 2014 Wisconsin National Guard Association Recognition Award for his service to these veterans.

What an honor it was to meet Bob and to see what he has done for our men and women in the armed services. The world needs a lot more Bobs in it!

I need to be more like Bob!

TommyLog – Emma Had a Down Day

Emma this week had a down day. In her first grade room they have a traffic light system for tracking behavior. Each day they start on green, ready to learn. If they’re exceptional it goes up to blue. If they’re having a rough day it goes to Orange, and if it gets worse than that it goes to red which means I have to talk to parents.

Emma had an orange day. When Emma saw her kindergarten teacher Mr. Seelig she told Mr. Seelig about her bad day. Mr. Seelig is so sweet and so kind and just knows exactly how to treat Emma and what Emma needs. Mr. Seelig left the best post-it note on Emma’s desk giving her encouragement and wishing her well. We love Mr. Seelig. He is a true educator and loves kids to the core.

Emma have a good day, I LOVE YOU!