TommyLog – Emma Helps Someone at School

Emma had a really neat experience at summer school yesterday. There was this girl, a few years younger than Emma who was sad to be leaving her mom. Emma reached out to her and made her feel safe. Emma set such a great example.

TommyLog – Being Thankful is About Others

This Thanksgiving holiday season there is just so much to be thankful for. One message I want to leave with you all is that being thankful isn’t about yourself, it’s about others. Put others firs and the rest will play out just fine. Happy Thanksgiving!

TommyLog – November 11th – What a Special Day

November 11th is such a special day in the Clifford household! Great Grandma Clifford's birthday is today, Madeline's birthday is today and today is veterans day. Both my brother Mark and father Tom Sr. served our country in the armed service. THANK YOU for putting others first and serving. Happy Birthday Madeline, you all rock!

TommyLog – Happy Endings take 2

[Lets try this again. Had editing issues with my first upload…sorry.]

Sometimes when you feel that your hard work will never pay off…well do not give up hope. There is a happy ending right around the corner. Good things happen to those who put in the time and sometimes that means they have to wait! Keep up the hard work!

Keep smiling.

TommyLog – What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? What makes you happiest? Are you the type of person that does stuff that makes you sad or what makes you mad. Or do you only do things to make you happy?

Drew loves angry birds– that makes him happy. Emma loves to draw and to do art stuff, which makes her happy. Tommy loves Minecraft and love solving those puzzles and loves learning its tools. Clara loves to dance. Madeline loves to cook. I love solving problems and love doing things for others.

There are so many people who complain in life. So many people were just not happy. Why do you waste your time and do things that don’t make you happy. If you’re not happy in this situation that you’re in, change.

Stop complaining and do something about it.