TommyLog – NBC Tape Delay Fail #NBCFAIL

Is there anyone in the good old USA who is not upset by the way NBC has handled the coverage Summer Games in London? In this day and age of social media and on-demand news, why oh why did they chose to run many of the best events via tape delay? I get the whole time zone thing, but we are way past that! What was the last major sporting event you watched on tape delay? The Super Bowl? The World Series? The Final Four? Even to World Cup? Right? Seriously, what possessed NBC to pull this maneuver?

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TommyLog – How Decisions Hurt Others

Tommy talks about the choices and decisions made at Penn State and how they really hurt so many people. The walls of Penn State are virtually coming down around them with the sad sad news of the sex scandal there. The decision of the university leadership to hide the facts of the case from the public has just made the problem exponentially worse. Similar issues plagued Martha Stewart and the football players for the New Orleans Saints. If they had only told the truth at the onset, would the penalties have been so terrible? What does this say about society as a whole?
Your comments are welcome!

TommyLog – Hurting for the People in Colorado

How can the actions of one person hurt so many? I’m referring to the shooting in Aurora, Co. at the midnight showing of the new Batman movie. So many bad choices, so much pain. My heart goes out to those families and the pain they are dealing with.

Goodbye Digg

As Diggs first user to 100 and 200 top page stories this fall from grace was slow but sure and stemmed from shunning the people who made Digg popular. As soon as they removed the Top User status, the downhill trend began in my mind. This has been proven by the choices top management made and shown in spades by the sale for just $500K. I’m sure most Digg users had no idea the top user ranking ever existed, but it did and alienating those who made you big is a sure fire way to kill a huge brand. Just so sad to watch the mighty fall. R.I.P. Digg!


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TommyLog – What’s Your Legacy Gonna Be?

Yesterday as I heard news reports about the internal Penn State investigation and how this is basically ruining the legacy of Coach Paterno, I could not help but think what the legacy will be for some of the top newsmakers today. How quickly 45+ years of solid gold status can come tumbling down.

What will your legacy be when you are gone? Does it even matter…do you care?

Comments are always welcome!