TommyLog – How Decisions Hurt Others

Tommy talks about the choices and decisions made at Penn State and how they really hurt so many people. The walls of Penn State are virtually coming down around them with the sad sad news of the sex scandal there. The decision of the university leadership to hide the facts of the case from the public has just made the problem exponentially worse. Similar issues plagued Martha Stewart and the football players for the New Orleans Saints. If they had only told the truth at the onset, would the penalties have been so terrible? What does this say about society as a whole?
Your comments are welcome!

TommyLog – Big Day in Titletown

Today is the opening of the 2011-12 NFL Season and the Super Bowl champs city gets to host the party of all parties! Welcome to Green Bay Wisconsin and look at the red carpet the NFL has rolled out for the rest of the world. Lambeau Field is the show place for the rest of the world tonight! ALL EYES ON GREEN BAY…well those that are not tuned into the Presidents speech LOL… Hello Timing!

Today I come to you just outside the gates of the free concert. The excitement is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


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