Dead Battery Adventure

Hey kids, it’s Dad. For today’s Tommylog, I want to tell you a story about a dead battery. For the last few weeks, I could tell that the battery in the Accord was having issues. You can kind of tell. Harder to start that kind of stuff. Well, this weekend the battery completely died. It made it to church and back…God is watching! But other than that, it was no go!

My good buddy Mark lent me his battery tender. Are used it all weekend long, but it still wouldn’t start this morning. Drew and I got in the car expecting it to start up but boom nothing.

Drew and I got out of the car and I told him we can do one of two things. We can walk to school or I can get you an Uber. He wasn’t too thrilled about having a stranger drive him to school. So we walked. We had a little adventure. Sometimes you get lemons, what do you do? You make some awesome lemonade.

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