Emma had a really neat experience at summer school yesterday. There was this girl, a few years younger than Emma who was sad to be leaving her mom. Emma reached out to her and made her feel safe. Emma set such a great example.
Tag: school
TommyLog – Graduated Kindergarten
Happy graduation Drew. You made it to 1st grade. What a huge accomplishment. I am so proud of you!
TommyLog – Why Bad Things Happen?
Yesterday was September 11th with all the commemoration that goes into the 13th anniversary of that tragic event. Emma, who is 7 and wasn’t even thought about back in 2001, had an experience in school that really touched her…to the point of tears. Yesterday at school they watched a video about PS 234 and the impact 9/11 had on that school. She was just so moved by the video. This morning she asked “Dad, why do bad things happen?”
TommyLog – If I Were In Charge Of The World
Emma in school had to answer question what she would do “If I were in charge of the world.” Her answers are amazing!
TommyLog – Emma Had a Down Day
Emma this week had a down day. In her first grade room they have a traffic light system for tracking behavior. Each day they start on green, ready to learn. If they’re exceptional it goes up to blue. If they’re having a rough day it goes to Orange, and if it gets worse than that it goes to red which means I have to talk to parents.
Emma had an orange day. When Emma saw her kindergarten teacher Mr. Seelig she told Mr. Seelig about her bad day. Mr. Seelig is so sweet and so kind and just knows exactly how to treat Emma and what Emma needs. Mr. Seelig left the best post-it note on Emma’s desk giving her encouragement and wishing her well. We love Mr. Seelig. He is a true educator and loves kids to the core.
Emma have a good day, I LOVE YOU!