TommyLog – @Meetmeme Customer Service Just Rocks!

Under the wire and pressed for time, I forgot to order new Meet-meme cards for my Graphic Users Association trip till Thursday. I asked Anna if I order them on Thursday could I get them by Saturday. She said yes. Little did I know she would need to FED-EX them Saturday delivery to get them to me.

THAT’S AWESOME Customer service. That is how it is done. I appreciate all the people at Meet-Meme and the hard work they did. These cards really help differentiate you in the overcrowded business card market. Why have a plain dull card when you can have one of these babies!

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Welcome to the United States

I’m such a softy. Ultimate softy. I have no idea why I am the way I am, but when the customers agent said “welcome to the United States!” I got teary. Maybe its all the time away from home and missing my family, maybe its pride, but one thing is it’s not any less pride and love for my great hosts here in Vancouver. I love Canada, make no mistake, but my home is my home and I miss it so.

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