TommyLog – Your Work Ethic

I was readying an article about fast food employees picketing due to the low wages. Why would you picket and complain about the low wages of an entry level job? Seriously? I had an entry level job…WHEN I WAS 16!! I used it as a stepping stone to get a better job, and then a better job and so on. This is truly pathetic!!

I’m so glad my work ethic was taught to me by my father. We had some hard times growing up, but my father was never above temp work..whatever it took to keep things running in the Clifford household.

Do not hide behind your entry level job… you control your destiny, not the government.


Red Shoes Speaks No. 52 Why government needs to use social media to get the word out

Consumers are gathering their news and information in a variety of ways. Therefore, it’s more important than ever for government to deliver information on multiple platforms today. Tommy and Lisa discuss the ins and outs of consistently delivering information where the consumer is engaged.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 52 Why government needs to use social media to get the word out from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog: Loud and Clear

Well the people have spoken and I think there was a clear message. People are not happy with whats going on. Right or wrong, people are really not pleased. Wisconsin has a new Governor, new representatives in the House and Senate and a new tone has been set. Its such a divisive topic and speaking to friends about politics is not something I feel comfortable doing. It never ends well.

The one thing to learn is that this changing of the guard happens every 2-4 years. I have seen it before and it will happen again. We will get through this and we will move forward. I guess the big point is this. When you are hired by the people to do a job, listen to what they say and do their will or this type of thing will happen over again.

Good luck guys, you got your get ready to go to work!


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