TommyLog – ONE YEAR & Counting!

Hey, kids, it’s Dad and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you about the last year. 365 days ago I got laid off from my previous job. What an amazing year! You guys have been along for the journey. My ups and my downs. So this is kind of a mini “state of the union” as to where things are at.

When I started out on this journey, I thought that finding that next big job would be difficult, I didn’t think it would be this difficult. A few interviews and a lot of disappointment later, I had to change my tune. One big job is not where I was supposed to be. I’ve decided that two or three smaller part-time gigs are going to be much more effective than one big gig. So I want to tell you about my part-time hustles. I have one part-time job with a company called brand outcomes in Green Bay. I’m working on their brand strategy team. I love the people and I love helping others solve problems.

My next part time job is with a company called World HeadQuarters here in Appleton. I’m helping create the next generation of evolved workspace. Brenda Leopold is the brain child here and she asked me to come on board to help make this happen with her.

What an amazing journey this has been. I promise you, without the help of amazing friends, and a supportive network, this never would’ve happened. Huge shout out to my supportive family and especially my sweetheart. Their support has been amazing!

I am so excited for what the next year awaits for me.

To the moon!!

TommyLog – Mile of Music & The Gift of Music!

Hey, kids it’s Dad, and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you about an amazing musical event happening in Appleton right now. It’s called Mile Of Music. This music festival is in its fifth year, with over 225 acts across 70 venues performing almost 1000 sets – – all in four days. I have been blessed to attend a few of these musical venues. It has been amazing.

Music is such a gift. And I’m so appreciative that these artists share their gifts with the people of Appleton Wisconsin.

A good friend made the comment, “without art and music, Appleton would just be concrete and parking meters.”

How true!!

Thank you all for sharing your talents, my life is so much better with your music in it!

TommyLog – Think About Others First!

Hey Kids it’s dad, and for today’s Tommylog I want to talk to you about a sad story I heard about over the weekend. It seems there was a teenage girl who is live streaming while she was driving. She got in a terrible wreck and her sister and their passenger were ejected from the vehicle. Instead of calling 911, this distracted teenage driver picked up her phone and started live streaming the scene again. So let me get this straight, while her sister was dying from the injuries of the crash, instead of calling for help, she felt it necessary to continue live streaming from the scene of the accident.

What a terrible state of affairs here. There is so much wrong with this story. The answer in the situation is simple.

Think about others first.

If this gal had thought about others, chances are this accident never would’ve happened. But the accident did, and she had an opportunity to do something about it. Instead of calling authorities to tend to her dying sister, she decided to go back and start live streaming the event again. I just shake my head listening to the story. Such sadness all the way around.

Kids, put others first. Help those in need, give back. I promise you if you think about others first, things like this will never happen.

I love you.

TommyLog – Give Blood – Selfless Service

Hey Kids it’s dad, and today I did something a little bit different. Today I went and donated blood. It is been a long long time since I donated blood. I honestly didn’t even want to do it. But their phone calls convince me that I needed to give blood. I had a bad experience many years ago, my own fault. I did some strenuous work after donating blood, and I got sick. I own that.

But I did it. I donated blood. The people there could not be nicer. The most simple process. Show your ID, answer some questions, get your finger prick and blood pressure checked. Donate blood! Then you get punch and cookies. What a deal.

It wasn’t till I was walking away that it really hit me. I just did something for somebody, that they couldn’t do for themselves. People who donate blood give of themselves. It’s a totally selfless act of service.

Made me think of other service. Opportunities where I crab and kick and scream before hand, but then I’m so thankful that I went and did it.

Thank you to the community blood Center and for all the volunteers and hard workers.

I’ll be back!

TommyLog – Struggles Make You Stronger

Hey Kids, it’s Dad. Boy has it been a whirlwind few weeks. Grandma and grandpa coming to town, graduations, summer school starting, meeting new cousins, Drew’s baptism! Man we sure have been busy. But I’ve also been slacking on my TommyLog duties. I love doing these videos and for some reason I just haven’t had it… But now I’ve got it. I’m here!!


The Clifford family is full of struggles. We all struggle. Madeline, Clara, Tommy, Emma, Drew, mom and dad. We each have our own personal, financial, work and relationship struggles. Absolutely nobody is immune to struggles.

We all have confrontation also. I don’t like confrontation and unless I have facts and data. I always like to write out my thoughts. Helps me organize and be fair to both sides of the equation. Sometimes it takes days weeks and maybe even months of thinking and writing and rewriting to get my thoughts out straight. I was talking with a good friend this morning regarding confrontation. Few people like confrontation. I’m not good at it. But I’m trying to get better. I’m trying not to make it about me. If I make it about growing stronger together, things seem to work out better.

But remember, our struggles make us stronger!