TommyLog – Fox Cities Future 15 @thrivewithsarah

Last night i was an invited guest of Sarah Schneider for the Fox Cities Future 15 Young professional awards night held at Outer Edge. What a great space for an awards banquet. it is a converted church now a small performance hall. Well the real reason I was there was to pay tribute to the Future 15 and Sarah. Little did I know that there was going to be one big winner of the night and IT WAS SARAH!!! How exciting. Sarah is such a rock star and all of you who know the know exactly what I’m talking about. CONGRATULATIONS SARAH!!


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TommyLog I’m a Winner #NNSMB

I attended the last New North Social media Breakfast at UWGB. Very well done, very poorly attended. One of the things that was there was a fishbowl to drop your business card into. Well today i was notified by the head of UWGB marketing that I won tickets to 5 basketball games. HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!

Also getting psyched for the next NNSMB with Peter Shankman at brett Farve Steak house tomorrow. My first official PR thing ever and work is PAYING for it!!! Yeah!
