The World Needs More Passionate People!

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today I want to talk about passion. I have a great friend who is just filled with passion. In this day and age there are many people squawk loudly about issues, but leave it at that, D Marie takes ownership of issues and tried to solve issues regarding the elderly and infirmed.

She has an amazing amount of passion for the cause and works every hour of every day to build support that it.

Be like D Marie and be passionate and make a difference in your community!

The world needs more D Marie’s in it!

Look at Both Sides of the Situation

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today is I want to talk about my good friend Mark. I like Mark because we can have rational discussions on deep topics without it getting too charged. Mark likes to look at both sides of a situation while forming his opinion. I love that about Mark. Kids, there needs to be more Marks in this world and we need to be more like Mark

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today is a very special Day. Today is Flag Day AND the Birthday of Grandpa Clifford. Well, there’s more!! It’s also the birthday of my sweetheart Becky.

Happy Birthday, Becky!

Those who know her personally will find none of this as a newsflash, but for those who have not, let me explain. Becky is simply amazing. She has so many characteristics that make her remarkable.

Kids, I love Becky so much. We All need to be more like Becky!

Sometimes the Funny Man Cries

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today I want to talk about my good friend John and the things I have learned as he dealt with a personal tragedy in his life. John just lost his dear mother to cancer and I’m lucky enough to have been in his circle of friends to be there along with his journey. John is one of the funniest people I know but this week I saw a different side of him. I saw pain, I saw sadness and I saw tears. I saw a side of him I have never seen in the past 25+ years. Sometimes even the funniest of people cry and you need to know how to handle that. It caught me off guard at first, and I’m thankful I was there. There to help comfort and help maybe be some relief from a super painful moment. No one is ever prepared for the loss of a loved one.

John thank you. Thank you for allowing me in the circle and for showing me a different side of you.

Kids – we all need to be a little more like John. This world needs more people like John in it!

Things You Learn From Your Uber Drivers!

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today I want to talk about what we can all learn from the people around us and especially Uber drivers. So here are some things I have learned about my recent interactions with Uber drivers!