Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Hey, kids, it’s Dad. Today is a very special Day. Today is Flag Day AND the Birthday of Grandpa Clifford. Well, there’s more!! It’s also the birthday of my sweetheart Becky.

Happy Birthday, Becky!

Those who know her personally will find none of this as a newsflash, but for those who have not, let me explain. Becky is simply amazing. She has so many characteristics that make her remarkable.

Kids, I love Becky so much. We All need to be more like Becky!

TommyLog – 10 Great Years

Yesterday marked my 10 year wedding anniversary with my sweetheart Becky. What a blessing the last 10 years have been and the marvelous times we have had. Each day with her is just an amazing day and this journey gets better and better.

TommyLog – The Power of a Hallmark Card

TommyLog  – The Power of a Hallmark Card

My wife and I have this mini tradition for special holidays and events, we leave cards around the house to each of us to find. Becky and the kids are out of town and she hid cards for house for me to find.

The simple act of sending a card has so much power!