TommyLog – Reverence for the Fallen

Having respect and a reverence for those who have put themselves before others is so important. A Facebook posting this week really hit home for me. The post was about how she had a body of a fallen solder on her plane and how the the body was deplaned before any of the passengers. That really hit me hard as a humbling experience.

Took me back to an experience I had visiting ground zero at the world trade center plaza just 5 weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

TommyLog – Respecting Others Opinions

Emma and I talk about opinions and the difference between fact and opinion. We talk about how important it is to respect others opinions. You do not have to agree, but it need to be nice to those who have differing opinions than yourself.

She’s only in 1st grade yet she speaks years ahead of her time.

TommyLog – Remembering My Trip to Ground Zero

Tommy talks about his trip to Ground Zeros 6 weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. The sights, the smells, the reverence. The sight of all the workers stopping work as found remains are carried to a waiting ambulance. The smell of diesel fuel and welding torches as the steel is being cut and carted out of the site. Seeing all the photos along the fences of lost loved ones. Just overwhelming putting your hands around the scene.


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Respect at Work

Tommy talks about his new work environment and respect at in the work place. How does it feel to work in fear? What does culture have to do with work environment? Can a customer focused company drive business over the backs of their employees? Can you be bottom line focused and customer focused at the same time? Why so many questions? Give it a listen!

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