TommyLog – Mile of Music & The Gift of Music!

Hey, kids it’s Dad, and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you about an amazing musical event happening in Appleton right now. It’s called Mile Of Music. This music festival is in its fifth year, with over 225 acts across 70 venues performing almost 1000 sets – – all in four days. I have been blessed to attend a few of these musical venues. It has been amazing.

Music is such a gift. And I’m so appreciative that these artists share their gifts with the people of Appleton Wisconsin.

A good friend made the comment, “without art and music, Appleton would just be concrete and parking meters.”

How true!!

Thank you all for sharing your talents, my life is so much better with your music in it!

TommyLog – Be More Like Mr Whitney

Hey Kids it’s dad, and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you about a influential teacher in my life. Mr. Richard Whitney was my music teacher while I was at Barker Road Junior High school. From grade 7 through nine I took music class chorus and was actually a member of the AV club where he was the advisor.

Mr. Whitney was a tech head, free spirit and loved rock ‘n’ roll music. I was in at least two plays were Mr. Whitney let the music, bye-bye Birdie and Oklahoma.

Mr. Whitney never wore socks. That was his trademark. Even to concerts he would be dressed up in a tux, he would have no socks on. Just awesome!!

One of my most memorable experiences with Mr. Whitney was the week the newest Rush album came out. Signals was the title and we spent an entire class dissecting the album song by song. Back in that day we were listening to the album on vinyl. He would stop songs mid song and we go through the lyrics so that we understood what was trying to be said.

I know for hundred percent certainty that my love of music and The rock bands Yes and Rush came from Mr. Whitney.

Thank you for sharing your life and your talents with me.

Kids, we really need to be a lot more like Mr. Whitney!!

TommyLog – A Musical Tribute & Sharing Talents

Hey Kids it’s dad, And for today’s TommyLog I want to talk to you and close the chapter on the funerals I attended last week. As you recall I attended the funeral of the son of a friend from church. Sadly a few days after his son passed, his wife passed away also. This is about his wife’s funeral.

This funeral had a completely different tone than his sons funeral. For one thing I knew Maggie personally. She was such a beautiful person inside and out. Maggie was an internationally known opera singer who spent over 30 years traveling Europe. She sang in some of the most world renowned opera houses in the world.

Her voice was simply amazing!!

At her funeral, one of her students took time out of her busy schedule to pay tribute to Maggie. She sang a few opera selections in Italian – – I couldn’t tell you a word that she said – – but that was so beautiful.

She shared her heart and she shared her talents with us. A touching tribute to such an amazing human being.

There was not a dry eye in the entire place. Maggie spirit filled the room through Jennifer’s voice. It was truly, truly remarkable. While I was listening to this beautiful music and thinking about the life of Maggie, I couldn’t help but think what an amazing tour guide she would’ve been, to take you to all the hottest spot in Europe. From opera houses to famous restaurants to amazing attractions.

Thank you so much Jennifer for bringing in such an amazing spirit and for such a touching tribute to sweet Maggie. You are an amazing example of how you let your talents shine and not hide them under a bushel.

Till we meet again song bird Maggie. Again thank you Jennifer for making this memorial service one of the most awesome ones I’ve ever attended. You’re an amazing human being.

Kids – – we need to all be a lot more like Jennifer. Share your talents wherever you go. You never know the impact he will have!

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TommyLog – Musical Talents

THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out to me from my last video log. I appreciate the love and friendship.

Last night I spend 2.5 glorious hours listening to Madeline in her band and choir concerts. its just amazing to see her in her element. Her talents just sine and as a sophomore, she is a leader at LCHS in this regard. What a blessing it is to watch you shine!


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