TommyLog – Just Needed a Hug

Sad sad story from work. had a co-worker who lost her son to an apparent suicide. Not sure what to do.Not sure what to say. All I could think about was going to meet my oldest and give her a big hug. thats all i have at this very moment. So thankful for the blessings I have and not sure what I would do if I lost someone close to me in that manner.


I’m So Sorry, It’s My Loss

Went to pay respects to the Lang family and especially Jess Dennis who lost her brother last week. As i waited in line, which ran out the door at time, I was just empty with what to say? What do you say in a time of tragedy like that? I had no clue. I was really stumped. I guess just having me stop over was all the words I needed to say, but you wish you had some grand words to say… then it hit me. I just said “Hi I’m Tommy, I’m sorry for your loss. It’s my loss that I never got to meet Erik.” Bam, done- that’s it.  I had never met Jess’s Mom or Dad before and that’s how I did it and it worked fine.

Jessica, I’m so sorry for your loss. I really got nothing. Words can’t take it away, but maybe the hug helped…a little.

TommyLog – The Little Things

Tommy talks about the little things in life that make life so great. A small note or smile or handshake can really make a difference. Hand written thank you notes make a difference too. Its pretty amazing the impact of the little things.
