Emma this week had a down day. In her first grade room they have a traffic light system for tracking behavior. Each day they start on green, ready to learn. If they’re exceptional it goes up to blue. If they’re having a rough day it goes to Orange, and if it gets worse than that it goes to red which means I have to talk to parents.
Emma had an orange day. When Emma saw her kindergarten teacher Mr. Seelig she told Mr. Seelig about her bad day. Mr. Seelig is so sweet and so kind and just knows exactly how to treat Emma and what Emma needs. Mr. Seelig left the best post-it note on Emma’s desk giving her encouragement and wishing her well. We love Mr. Seelig. He is a true educator and loves kids to the core.
OK kids, Tommy here and this time I have the new LG Tone+ Bluetooth headset to talk about. I really love this product. The headset is lightweight, super easy-to-use and just works. The things darn near bulletproof to setup and use. Once you get past the crappy manual with its super small reverse type, it’s an awesome product.
The LG Tone+ headset is totally one hundred percent Tommy approved!
For more information, Here’s a link to the LG Tone+ on the Verizon website. http://www.verizonwireless.com/accessories/lg-tone-bluetooth-stereo-headset-black/
[DISCLAIMER — I’m one of the cool kids who has been asked to play with and test technology for Verizon. They asked me share my thoughts. All my words are original and my own.]
Today I am joined by Emma and we are going to talk about school lunches, or as Emma like to say hot lunch. Just like when I went to school there is a schedule of when the best hot lunches will be served. Mr. Seelig, Emma’s kindergarten teacher, used to make a huge deal about the day they would serve hot dogs. He called it “wiener Wednesday”. They would march in the classroom and march up the up and down the hallways singing about hotdogs and wieners and making a big deal about it. So Emma loves to have hot lunch.
I think the hot lunches these days are considerably different than the hot lunches when I grew up.
What was your favorite hot lunch when you were growing up?
So this week I have an amazing customer service story to share with you. I have been a decade long time warner cable customer. It seems glamorous these days to bag on Time Warner and move to DirecTV. I know countless of people who have left DirecTV and move back to Time Warner after the “special price” ends. I’m not one of those guys.
Over the last few weeks I’ve had some issues with my Internet speed and have opened up a few calls to Time Warner to take a look at why I’m not getting the speed I would expect. I had what they call the turbo plan is supposed to be 20 MB up and 5 MB down, but I wasn’t getting nearly that and my upload speed was half. So after a few calls I found out that it’s not my equipment it’s the plan they have me selected for. Apparently I have the old turbo plan and not the new turbo speed plan… Who knew? After talking to this great support gal, she told me told me that she thought I was paying too much!!
Somebody in customer service actually being honest with me.– now that’s a new concept. My bill is about $180 a month; I have a couple HDTVs, DVR, and Internet access. The fact that someone was honest with me and telling me the truth… that’s too much. Well after a series of events I talked to somebody in customer solutions, the old retention department, and they were able to drop my bill about $40 and increase my Internet speed by twice downloads and five times upload. WOW!!!
THANK YOU Time Warner Cable and thank you for great customer support!
At my local gym the other morning, doing what I do best at 5:30 in the morning… working out. *Cough* I like to workout in the area which is called the cardio theater. They always have a movie playing. The movie that was playing this day was a movie about high school reunions. I usually listen to music so I don’t pay much attention, but it looked kind of interesting.
Made think about my high school experience in the people I had met. I have been away from high school for well over 25 years and I think about the people who were my friends in high school and those who were not. I didn’t run in the circle with the jocks or the theater folk; I was considered more of a geek because I was in the AV club. DO NOT JUDGE!
Which brings me back to my 25th high school reunion. I remember showing up and all the guys that were jocks are now burnouts, literally. The guy that comes to mind ran a pizza place on the beach and after talking to him it was clear that there’s more going into his system then just pizza dough and pepperoni’s.
With the advent of Facebook many of my high school friends that I had lost touch with for years and years are now closer than ever. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I’m not sure. Though the miles separate us the technological divide has brought us closer together. But it’s interesting how many people are my friends now who wouldn’t give me the time of day back in 1986. Makes you think!
What you think about your high school reunions. Do you go to them? Do people treat you differently?