TommyLog – Reflections On My 30th High School Reunion

Hey kids, It’s Dad and for todays TommyLog I want to share some thoughts and feelings about my 30th High School Reunion. This is a bit longer than my normal videos, but i have so many friends and memories that I wanted to mention one by one. I am so blessed to know and be friends with each and every one of these GREAT people. My heart is full! THANK YOU all helping shape me and make me smile…and at times cry. My heart is full!

TommyLog – High School Reunions

At my local gym the other morning, doing what I do best at 5:30 in the morning… working out. *Cough* I like to workout in the area which is called the cardio theater. They always have a movie playing. The movie that was playing this day was a movie about high school reunions. I usually listen to music so I don’t pay much attention, but it looked kind of interesting.

Made think about my high school experience in the people I had met. I have been away from high school for well over 25 years and I think about the people who were my friends in high school and those who were not. I didn’t run in the circle with the jocks or the theater folk; I was considered more of a geek because I was in the AV club. DO NOT JUDGE!

Which brings me back to my 25th high school reunion. I remember showing up and all the guys that were jocks are now burnouts, literally.  The guy that comes to mind ran a pizza place on the beach and after talking to him it was clear that there’s more going into his system then just pizza dough and pepperoni’s.

With the advent of Facebook many of my high school friends that I had lost touch with for years and years are now closer than ever. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I’m not sure. Though the miles separate us the technological divide has brought us closer together. But it’s interesting how many people are my friends now who wouldn’t give me the time of day back in 1986. Makes you think!

What you think about your high school reunions. Do you go to them? Do people treat you differently?

TommyLog – Reunited with a Long Lost Friend

Today marks a milestone in my life. My long lost pen has been returned to me after over 2 years of separation. I joke, 100% – I took this pen to a taping of Online with Erin a few years ago, left it in the studio. Erin took great care of it. She even put it in a super secret place to keep it safe….then forgot where she put it 🙂

Well she found it and today was the blessed reunion! I love you Erin. What fun! You rock!