TommyLog – Extreme Makover – Home Edition; Haters #emhewi

Tommy talks to all the cowardly people in the newspapers who hide behind their avatars and leave vile and venom filled comments regarding the Arboleda family who was selected as an Extreme Makeover Home edition recipient. These comments are just terrible. From wanting to know what they did to deserve this to pointing fingers at how big their family is and it’s their fault for having so many kids to why not spend the money on other more deserving families. One person even said “he has a masters why not get a better job?” Is this really what this is all about? NO!!! It’s about making a dream come true. It’s about the community and coming together. How amazing is this for the people and town of Neenah. The exposure is wonderful and the good will, over the top awesome! Why can’t we all just be thankful for this family? Why can’t we all just love serving and helping others in need? Why must we cut down the process and chastise the family?
Can’t we just be happy for them? Remember kids… if life was fair, none of us would be there. Never forget that.


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My Point of View – Customer Service

As Manager of Digital Development Tom want to share his point of view on various subjects. Today’s Point of View topic is on customer service. Tom has spent over 25 years in various customer service rolls from his days as a paperboy to working with customers in his current role. What and some good customer service traits and what are bad ones. HC Miller has some great examples of super account managers and Tom wants to share with you one outstanding one.


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TommyLog – Communication

Sorry about the sound folks… all fixed! 🙂 Tommy today talks about communication and the importance of having open channels of communication. The CEO was just in his office talking through things and its amazing he difference between this job and his old job at RRD. Tommy & Clara were in the Little Chute community play based on Alice in Wonderland. Tommy was a card and clara was a flower. Well done by all.


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TommyLog – Changing of the Guard

Image by Brenda Anderson via Flickr

Well my phone has been ringing off the hook this am…ever since the news was released. The Vice President of Manufacturing for the RRD Menasha division put in his 2 weeks notice and is leaving to take his career in a teaching direction. WOW what message does this send to the plant as the main leader leaves so close to union contract negotiations…and who will fill his shoes? Good luck to him.


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Red Shoes Speak No. 37: 5 Reasons to Blog

Red Shoes PR and iamThomasBishop, along with Tommytrc discuss 5 reasons blogs are a powerful tool for an organization.
1.) Interaction
2.) Give your company a face
3.) SEO
4.) Thought-leadership positioning
5.) Have fun and be creative

Red Shoes Speak No. 37: 5 Reasons to Blog from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.