TommyLog: Peter Shankman Speaks #prsanew

I had the opportunity of hearing PR expert Peter Shankman speak as part of the PRSA’s 10th anniversary event in Green Bay. he was a joy to listen to and just so high energy. I think he drank 4-5 cans of diet coke during his speach and people think I drink a lot.

He gave us 4 rules to live by…for better customer service and to better connect. Just brilliant!!! So simple, yet so perfect!

Thanks Peter for taking the time to comer to GB to inspire us!


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TommyLog I’m a Winner #NNSMB

I attended the last New North Social media Breakfast at UWGB. Very well done, very poorly attended. One of the things that was there was a fishbowl to drop your business card into. Well today i was notified by the head of UWGB marketing that I won tickets to 5 basketball games. HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!

Also getting psyched for the next NNSMB with Peter Shankman at brett Farve Steak house tomorrow. My first official PR thing ever and work is PAYING for it!!! Yeah!


TommyLog Ransom Note from Stolen iPhone

Some I find this ransom note outside my door at work from my stolen iPhone. I need to deposit $300.00 US into a bank account before I will see the phone again. Seems like a fair amount since AT&T wants to charge me $599 to replace my stolen one.. OUCH!!!

Emma and baby Drew’s tub time yesterday didn’t go as planned. EVACUATE!!!


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TommyLog New Mic

So I’m trying a new external mic and i’m not sure what I think. It seems that some of the sound is out of sync. That could mean I need a reboot…so i’m sorry ahead of time for this crappy sync. I have a audio-technica ATR3350 but its not working and I assume the battery is bad.

I’m jazzed for the Green bay social media breakfast in the am. Always great to see and hang out with good social media folks.


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