Operation Gallbladder!

Hey kids, it’s Dad and today I want to talk all about my gallbladder surgery and the recovery. WOW what an amazing 2 week period it has been. You have all been along for the ride and it has been a dandy!
I am so thankful for all the medical staff who took such good care of me along the way. I am so blessed!


TommyLog – Always.Be.Thankful!

Hey kids, for today’s TommyLog I want t just say thank you and remind us all to always be thankful for what we have. There are many who take time to find fault and nitpick, that’s not my style. I choose to focus on what I have rather than what I have not.

TommyLog – Being Thankful is About Others

This Thanksgiving holiday season there is just so much to be thankful for. One message I want to leave with you all is that being thankful isn’t about yourself, it’s about others. Put others firs and the rest will play out just fine. Happy Thanksgiving!

TommyLog: A few Things I’m Thankful For @typertist @AFiebig

So many thing to be thankful for… My speaking engagement at Kimberly High School marketing classes. My friend @typertist and her sweet post card. I have so many things to be thankful for… It’s hard to know where to stop listing…
