Just Put the Cart Back!

Hey kids, it’s dad. And for today’s Tommylog I wanna talk to you about something that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I enjoy going to the grocery store. But nothing burns me more than when I see people not putting shopping carts back where they go. The shopping cart corral maybe 15-20 steps further away than where people are leaving the carts.

No, I’m not talking about handicap people or people on crutches. They have a right and I understand the reason why they wouldn’t put a cart away. But these people should not have trouble putting carts where they rightfully belong. Why do you just leave the carts strewn around the parking lot? Part of the responsibility of taking a cart is putting it away. I know people think oh it’s someone else’s problem. It’s not somebody else’s problem! It’s your problem. Put the damn cart away.

Many times society we just kick the can down the road and have a be somebody else’s problem. No! Take responsibility for your actions and take care of your shopping carts!hopping Cart Away!