TommyLog: Give it all away!

Reading an article of a Canadian couple who gave every cent of their $11.2 million dollar lottery jackpot away. They first took care of family and then donated it all to charity. WOW what selfless people and ones that really set the bar for service.

The world has a lot to learn from this amazing couple!

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Red Shoes Speaks No. 40 Extreme Makover:Home Edition #emhewi

Tommy and I go over the day’s events, talk about the fundraising efforts underway for the family and the excitement of the build from the site in Neenah, Wisconsin.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 40 Extreme Makover:Home Edition #emhewi from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog – My Day @ Extreme Makeover Home Edition #emhewi

I had to the opportunity to be part of the build for the Extreme makeover – Home Edition build in Neenah, WI and to say it was a humbling experience would be an understatement. This is my raw footage of all the action as it happened. 20,000 volunteers over the course of a week, 200 at a time on the build site alone. What an amazing community building opportunity. The president of Lexington homes, Jeff Marlow worked tirelessly all day drumming up donations to pay off the mortgage for the Arboleda family. They can take the credentials away from me, but they can never take the experience away!

Over the Top GREAT Customer Service @AffinityHealth

This story comes full circle. Today I received a phone call from the Affinity Health doctor that was responsible for seeing Baby Drew. I heard the 2 words that rarely if ever get said, I’m Sorry. She said I’M SORRY!!! I’m 100%, do not pass go, do not collect $200 BLOWN AWAY with the fact that someone called to apologize. How awesome is that!! When was the last time someone actually said “I’m sorry?” People screw up all the time, but how pleasant is it when someone actually admits it. A prime example of excellent customer service. Affinity Health has a customer for life and this is reason #1.

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