TommyLog – Serving & Helping Others

Hey kids, it’s dad and today we are talking about putting others first. Today I helped a cute new family in our congregation move into a new home – what a blessing it is to be able to help serve others.

Kids – put others first and others will put your first!

TommyLog – Leave A Situation Better Than You Found It

I have been driving around in a loaner car for the past 6 weeks while my dear accord gets fixed. Sad story,hurts me to talk about it 🙂

It’s so important that when people loan you something to return it in as good as or better condition than when they gave it to you. An example of this is that I had the Saturn, graciously loaned to be my our good friends the Gabor family, THANK YOU Tori for letting me use your car while you are away on study abroad… I had that bad boy washed, lightly detailed and oil changed today.

So do you leave situations with a flame thrower or do you try to leave situations better than you found it?

Helping in Times of Need

We had some rather major storms cut through the fox river Vally on Tuesday evening. Some amazing damage. Last evening I had the opportunity to help install a generator and give back a little to the community. It’s so amazing to do community services. To reach out to those in need and help.

TommyLog – A Knock at the Door

If you needed help, would you ask? A person named Tony knocked at my door last night, saying he was homeless and asked for a warm sweater or coat.

What would you do in that situation? Would you give him a warm coat or sweater? I know how I responded.. how would you?


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TommyLog – My Day @ Extreme Makeover Home Edition #emhewi

I had to the opportunity to be part of the build for the Extreme makeover – Home Edition build in Neenah, WI and to say it was a humbling experience would be an understatement. This is my raw footage of all the action as it happened. 20,000 volunteers over the course of a week, 200 at a time on the build site alone. What an amazing community building opportunity. The president of Lexington homes, Jeff Marlow worked tirelessly all day drumming up donations to pay off the mortgage for the Arboleda family. They can take the credentials away from me, but they can never take the experience away!