TommyLog – Long Lost Cousin!

Hey Kids it’s Dad, and for today’s TommyLog to talk to you about something that really has my mind in the whirl. This week I found out something pretty amazing. I found out that I’m not the oldest grandchild on my mom side. I’ve spent 48 years with this title and it’s not one that I’m giving up easy :-).

So as I understand it, back in 1966, my aunt had a child. She lovingly gave him up for adoption. This year for his 50th birthday, he set out to meet his birth mom and a few weeks ago they had a blessed reunion. It’s kind of amazing to think that there’s more family to be had. I LOVE THIS!!

Welcome to the family and be careful what you wish for :-)!!!

Super Secret News

Today I had breakfast with 3 new friends discussing some seriously GREAT news for Tommy. I’m so excited it really hasn’t sunk in yet. Kinda monumental and a big deal for me. During the discussion it came up that they checked out all my online social media sources and googled me so its important to know that people are looking at your footprint you leave online. You need to be careful what you put and post online.
