TommyLog – Seat Belts First – The Start of Great Driving Habits #FordDriveSave


I remember, as a kid, car safety and seat belts were not the daily mantra like they are today. Heck, I still remember cars that just had lap belts and no shoulder belts. I think I still recall some that had no seat belts at all. Boy, does that date me. Growing up, we used to joke as a family that I was brought home from the hospital in the back of my parents Buick; just placing me all bundled up on the rear deck between the speakers and the back glass. At about age 7, my father would ask us if we were all buckled in, offering us a “bribe” of $1 if we were.

Seat belt MadelineOne very powerful childhood memory on the topic was a public service announcement on seat belt safety put on by Head Captain of the NY State Troopers. The gist of the ad was this: He said, “In the 25 years I have served on the force, I have never had to unbuckle a dead body.” Here I am, 30 plus years later and that commercial is still embossed in my mind. What a powerful  message!

Fast forward to November 2014, there are many safety messages for new drivers, each more important than the next, but I want to remind you of most basic of all–seat belts.  They are first line of safety in your car. You need to do that first, before you turn the ignition key, put the car into reverse and begin your journey.  To quote the State Trooper seat belt ad mentioned above, “Seat belts:  It’s Not Just a Good Idea, It’s the Law!”

To find the seat belt laws in your state, here’s a great page for your to reference from the Governors Highway Safety Association

Another great resource to check out is Ford’s Driving Skills For Life.
Disclosure: I receive a fee for participating in certain promotional campaigns for Ford Motor Company. All views and opinions expressed are my own.