TommyLog – Can I Pick Your Brain??!?!

Hey Kids, it’s dad. And for today’s TommyLog  I want to talk to you about people who use the expression “can I pick your brain.” Few things get me as worked up. Someone who wants to “pick my brain” is just a taker. Stay away from people who are “takers.” You want to be around people who are givers — people who freely give their time to help others, and don’t expect anything in return. People like my friend Kelly or my friend Marc. They are givers. They have the entrepreneurial spirit and want to help see other succeed.

People want to pick your brain for looking out for number one. They’re looking out for themselves and don’t care anything about you. They just want to suck you dry and then stomp on you as they walk away. People who use the term “pick your brain” should burn. At some point have to put your foot down and say no. No you cannot “pick my brain!” My time is more valuable than that – kindly move along!!

It’s all about your attitude. If you have an attitude of learning and sharing that’s one thing but if you just want to be a taker that’s a whole separate thing