TommyLog – Focus on the Core

When will it end? Companies sending out product after product, making a small tweak and the releasing a new version. Division after division of the same crap!! In this day and age of HUGE companies collapsing under their own weight, when will they learn? Why don’t they focus on their core products?

How many different models of Dell laptops are there? Sony, HP? Hundreds! Before the collapse of GM, how many different divisions did they have? They ditched Oldsmobile, Pontiac, SAAB, Hummer, and Saturn to focus on their core. Apple in the early 1990’s up the return of Steve Jobs had many different lines, PowerMac, Performa with numbers like the 8150, 7100, 6105 etc. Once Steve came back he put his foot down and nixed all that. Do you know how many laptop lines Apple has now? Apple has 2, MacBook, Air and MacBook Pro. The largest company in the world, at last look, really only has 7 major product lines, iPhone, iPad, Mac Mini, Macbook, iMac, Mac Pro and iPod. That’s it. Well there is the Apple TV also, does that count?

What does this type of efficiency get them? Better distribution, saved support calls to name a few. Maybe we should take a look internally and see if we are focusing on the core.

The core being family. Are you focusing on what’s important? Think about it!

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