TommyLog Ransom Note from Stolen iPhone

Some I find this ransom note outside my door at work from my stolen iPhone. I need to deposit $300.00 US into a bank account before I will see the phone again. Seems like a fair amount since AT&T wants to charge me $599 to replace my stolen one.. OUCH!!!

Emma and baby Drew’s tub time yesterday didn’t go as planned. EVACUATE!!!


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TommyLog – Robbed In Chicago

Well what a sad story to tell…

I was walking on Michigan Avenue sending a picture to my family… a panoramic image I had just taken and someone grabbed my brand new iPhone 4G form my hot little hands to took off. I have never ever ran faster in my life…screaming my head off. Others ran after the kid, donning a red knit hat… But he was way too fast. he took off down the stairs on the cross street of Michigan and Grand and was gone under the street. A police officer responded to the scene in seconds…but it was too late…

The poor thing was only 4 days old… 🙁

Just steps form the Michigan Avenue Apple Store… I feel so naked.

Well I hope you like your new iPhone… it takes great pictures and is so FAST!!! Scroll through the photos…. you can see my kids. I love them so.

So uncool!

I hope you get your just rewards…

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Treating People Well

Many times, the way you treat people comes back to either reward or haunt you. Ask our buddy Mel Gibson how well that works. Tommy talks about a new loyalty program iphone app he just got and a computer place that is scamming people out of money. Remember what goes around, comes around.


TommyLog – New iPhone

Well Uncle Steve has done it again, a new iPhone. The facetime video chat feature looks really inviting! Got pulled over for not having my vehicle registered. The CU is doing all the work and some paperwork got delayed. I’ll get that worked out. Went to my old stomping grounds today to pick up some work for HCM… great to see friendly faces from days gone bye…


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Thank You AT&T!!!!

I have had some amazingly great interactions with AT&T’s customer service over the past 2 weeks. I know its glamorous to dog pile on AT&T these days with regards to iphone issues, but right now I could not be happier. Today AT&T deleted over $90 in Canadian data usage. WOW I’m just so impressed with them.

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