TommyLog TECH – Staying Organized With Evernote #vzwbuzz #AD

Staying organized in this day and age is so important! The one tool that I just love to use to keep myself digitally organized is Evernote. Using Evernote on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is just such a pleasure. One reason is the huge screen for taking down notes and making notations. Evernote is just so multi platform. You can find Evernote for your desktop machine, Mac or PC as well as ever smartphone flavor out there, Android, IOS, Windows Mobile as well as Blackberry.

One of my favorite Evernote features is the ability to OCR pictures. I love to take pictures of business cards and let Evernote OCR them for easy searching. That’s a free tip from Tommy ☺

Another tip is to set up an Evernote email address. Evernote has the ability to process emails and sort them to different notebooks. That way I can send emails or forward emails right into an Evernote notebook. All you need to do is add the “@notebooknamehere” to the subject line and the email will be sent to that particular notebook. LOVE that feature.

One huge hidden gem about purchasing the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 from Verizon is that fact you get a Evernote Premium upgrade with each phone. That’s about a $50 freebee. Bring a premium subscriber gets you more bandwidth and storage as well as a list of other features found here.

Using Evernote to keep me organized on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is totally “Tommy Approved”!!

For more information on how to get your very own Samsung Galaxy Note 3 from Verizon, Here’s a link

[DISCLAIMER — I’m one of the cool kids who has been asked to play with and test technology for Verizon. They asked me test and share my thoughts. All my words are original and my own.]


New North Social Media Breakfast

Tommy attended his first New North Social Media Breakfast. #NNSMB This one was held in Little Chute and was sponsored by WFRV. There was a super cast of characters on the panel and some donuts to boot. What a country. Yesterday I went to Red Shoes PR to film a few more episodes of Red Shoes Speaks. One of the topics we talked about was filing systems and are we digital hoarders? What do you think? Can you toss emails and files, or do you just keep them till you run out of HD space?

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File Folders – How do you organize your lifes stuff?

How do you file papers and paper work? Do you have a filing system? As I clean out my office at work and look at all the files I kept.. WHY OH WHY did I keep such stuff? I have cabinets filled wiht paper and I have not looked at in years.

I used to use an email software called Eudora and you have to file emails into folders. Now with Gmail, you don’t have to do that any longer. You can just have one large bin and use google’s search capabilities to find what you need. What’s your filing system?

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