TommyLog – Focus on Your Blessings

This morning during my morning walk at the gym, I was watching the movie called the Longshots. The flick is about a Pop Warner football team and the first female QB to take it to the Pop Warner super bowl. Aside from it being a feel-good, down and out team rocks it in the big foot ball world movie, there was a message that really stuck with me. In this day of conventions and hurricanes and school starting and vote for this guy or that guy… the fight between the haves and the have-nots; this quote kinda hit me hard. I’m not sure if this is 100% right, but you get the gist of it…

“if you dwell on what you don’t have, you’ll lose focus on what you do!”


Does this quote hit the head on the nail or what??

Share you comments below…love to hear what you have to say!

TommyLog – How the past still goes deep

This week I reconnected with a family from my childhood past. Their name is the Horsley family and I just love them. They have a son Scott who I was rather close to and he was killed in a terrible car crash in 1983. Reconnecting to them really brought back his memory. Just amazing how much I remember of that event and how hard it still hits deep.

Mom Horsely, Gloria and big sister, Heidi both have their doctorate and have started a foundation to help siblings in time of loss and grief. Well worth a trip over to give support

TommyLog – Getting Older

This morning at the gym I was watching On Golden Pond and thoughts of getting old and aging flooded my mind. Terrible topic for working out to, BTW, but I digress. made me think about getting older and what my kids think and how I can work to stay young. You are only as young as you feel.

What keeps you feeling young at heart?

TommyLog – Open Communication

Last weekend, I went on a daddy daughter date with Madeline just to talk, or in my case listen. What was important to her needs to be important to me. Boys, family, college…all need to be important. The communication that is set up between Madeline and I is so important. As a part time dad, it’s so important to talk to your children and know where they are in life.

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TommyLog – That’s Not My Style

How many times do you hear that someone “hates this” or “dislikes that” and it doesn’t come off in the nicest tone? This week dear Emma came home to tell me that she had dinner at Sarah’s. I knew they were having fish and knew she might not like that. Instead of saying she hated it or really disliked it, she said “Dad, that fish was not my style!” How awesome is that? I love the tone that she took.

Can you imagine if hate was stricken from the book and we replaced it with “Not My Style?” Think about it.

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