TommyLog – Preventative Maintenance in Your Life with Robyn Wright

Hey Kids it’s dad, and for today’s TommyLog I’m coming to you live and in person from the W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta. I’m joined by my awesome Verizon friend Robyn Wright.

We want to talk about preventive maintenance. At work there are many large complicated machines. Every two or three months we have preventive maintenance done on the machines to keep them running smoothly. We do this during downtime to take care of little issues that could potentially become big issues if they’re not taking care of properly. Just like your vehicle, getting the oil changed is something that’s important on a regular basis. In life we need to also do preventive maintenance. No matter if it’s some downtime, a vacation, or just a family dinner. We also need to make sure to take care of our bodies. A check up our yearly check up is important. We need to watch over ourselves!

Preventive maintenance is important. Never forget that.

Thank you Robyn for doing this video with me. It’s always a pleasure to be around you. You bring the best out of everybody. You can find more about Robyn at, or @Robynsworld on Twitter. YOU ROCK!

Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayer

Last Friday was a total rotten day at work. Do not pass go do not collect $200 rotten. I was home and it was about 7:30 in the evening and I wanted to go get Culver’s for dinner. As I’m driving to Culver’s sun roof open and XM radio turned up high—trying to forget my awful day, I saw a family stranded on the side of the road. They car had broken down. I immediately felt a prompting to do a u-turn and go and see who I could help.

The dad, named John, was from Eastern Europe, Croatia I think and he had a thick accent. He said he was the head chef at a restaurant in Neenah. His car ran out of gas and he and his wife and 2 kids were on their way to the grocery store. I was able to help him get gas and on their way very quickly.

After that, the worries of my Friday was washed away.

What a blessing it was not to ask for answers to a prayer, but to possibly BE AN ANSWER!

What will you do to be that answer?