Questions in advance, nothing confrontational, remember that you depend on me to make a living and in two seconds I could end your career, keep it light, keep it moving, no followups, no arguing, no pressing for more info, be reverential at all times, remember that you are acting as an extension of our PR arm and the point of this interview is to promote Apple and promote our products. That’s how my dear friend David Pogue (above) does it, and it’s why he’ll always have access to our products ahead of everyone else. Much love, David Pogue. And namaste. I honor the place where your interests and my own become one.
Below are some of my presentations and video speaking engagements that I have been involved in. I try to keep it up to date
How to be a Killer Social Media Advocate –
Leaderfest 2011
April 20th, 2011
Tommy Clifford from HC MIller and Jess Dennis from Red Shoes PR speak at Leaderfest for one of the breakout sessions. The topic for their discussion is how to be a killer social media advocate for your business.
Leaderfest is a Regional Young Professional event on April 20th hosted by Pulse, the Young Professionals Network of the Fox Cities Chamber. Below is a video of one of the sessions as well as the presentation itself… Enjoy and comments are always welcome!
The Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce presented Be a Social Media Rock Star at the F.K. Bemis Center at St. Norbert College in De Pere Wednesday, Aug. 12 at 7:30 a.m. I was the opening and closing presenter and what an amazing time had by all. It was so great to meet all fine folks in Green Bay. What an honor to be a part of that group. Such a great time and I learned to much!!!
You can follow along with all the action on the What the tweet website…
The seminar was the offspring of the chambers first social media seminar, What the Tweet Is Social Media Marketing? Breakout sessions focused on Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; blogging; YouTube, photo/video sharing and online buzz; and selling social media to CEOs — policies and procedures. The seminar also included ideas for creating and deploying social media strategy.