TommyLog – Great Friday

I love it when its Blueberry hill Friday. Starting the weekend off right with great friends and pancakes.. Can it get any better then that? I think not!! Yesterday I got my blood work done at work and I had to get on the scale. WOW that scale lies!!! I need to go on a diet and I hate that word…

Well I found the coolest app I have used in a long time. Well it found me courtesy of Amy Burford and @YapVoicemail. It’s a free app called YAP that transcribes your voice mail and then emails you a version as well as an audio file. SO COOL!!! What a time saver when you are in meetings and want to see the message, but don’t want to get up and leave. This totally rocks!!


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Friday Tweetup – Weekend Fun

This morning is our bi-weekly pancake tweetup at blue berry hill pancake house in Appleton. My buddy Terry form Jefferson City was in town and he joined us for the fun and frolic. Today was day 5 of 10 of the transition and the list of what needs to get done gets shorter and shorts and my desk and shelves get cleaner and cleaner. Feb 26th, last day is fast approaching.

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I Get My Thrill At Bleuberry Hill

Today is my favorite Friday, Pancake Friday. Love meeting the game at BlueBerry Hill for pancakes and social media chit chat. Met Wisconsin‘s own @toddbrink and found him to be quite delightful! Always fun to be had at blueberry hill!


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