TommyLog – BEST AT&T Customer Service EVER!!

So its “iPhone 5 day” for Tommy and I’m happily and joyfully on hold to get my upgrade to the new Apple iPhone 5.0. I sent out a tweet telling the world how jazzed I was to even be in line to talk to someone from AT&T and you will NEVER believe what happens next. Not 15 minutes later I get a tweet from a local AT&T guy in Appleton, WI telling me he is just logging into his computer and could gladly assist me with my upgrade. I really didn’t believe he was from AT&T but I DM’d him my desk phone number just in case. 45 sec later, still on hold, line No. 2 starts flashing “AT&T “HOLY COW!

This is just stunning. One tweet on social media and AT&T has its ears on and offered to help make my experience better. I’m just so thrown back by this. Rob Molskness, the AT&T Global Enterprise Solutions Account Manager gets it and gets it hard. He was at the right place at the right time and now has a customer who is shouting from the rooftops how great AT&T is. Great customer service is not hard and this guy rocked it 100 percent. THANK YOU ROB and thank you AT&T!

TommyLog – No More Printed Encyclopedia Britannica

So this week we got word that Encyclopedia Britannica was stopping production of it’s printed edition after 200+ years. I’m actually stunned it lasted this long. I always thought that CD’s were a transitional technology for them and I guess that holds true. Is the yellow pages next?

TommyLog – QR Codes – You are Doing It All Wrong!

*SIGH* I just do not understand why people do what they do. Why would you put a CAPTCHA in a QR code mobile experience? Why would you host a QR code training event in a room without WIFI or Cell coverage?

*Double Sigh*

The world needs this technology, what it DOES NOT NEED is hacks implementing it.

TommyLog Ransom Note from Stolen iPhone

Some I find this ransom note outside my door at work from my stolen iPhone. I need to deposit $300.00 US into a bank account before I will see the phone again. Seems like a fair amount since AT&T wants to charge me $599 to replace my stolen one.. OUCH!!!

Emma and baby Drew’s tub time yesterday didn’t go as planned. EVACUATE!!!


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TommyLog – Robbed In Chicago

Well what a sad story to tell…

I was walking on Michigan Avenue sending a picture to my family… a panoramic image I had just taken and someone grabbed my brand new iPhone 4G form my hot little hands to took off. I have never ever ran faster in my life…screaming my head off. Others ran after the kid, donning a red knit hat… But he was way too fast. he took off down the stairs on the cross street of Michigan and Grand and was gone under the street. A police officer responded to the scene in seconds…but it was too late…

The poor thing was only 4 days old… 🙁

Just steps form the Michigan Avenue Apple Store… I feel so naked.

Well I hope you like your new iPhone… it takes great pictures and is so FAST!!! Scroll through the photos…. you can see my kids. I love them so.

So uncool!

I hope you get your just rewards…

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