Things I Learned in Arizona

On my trip to Phoenix Arizona, I learned quite a few things. Growing up in New York state and spending most of my life in Northeast Wisconsin, its quite a shock to your system with this different type of environment. Phoenix for example is one of the hottest places I’ve ever lived in. I did spend two years on a mission for my church in Las Vegas, but that was almost 30 years ago and counseling got me over that heat-wave city 🙂

So here are the top things that are Wisconsin boy learned about spending some time in Phoenix Arizona.

TommyLog – My Hotel Room in New Orleans #GUA12

For this years Graphic Users Association GUA meeting in New Orleans, I was moved to what has to be the largest hotel room I have ever stayed in. Seriously, I have stayed in nice rooms at the Biltmore in Arizona and the Winn in Vegas, but this takes the cake. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at this!

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