Snowy Day and Emma with Pink Eye

Winter storm in NE Wisconsin has dumped 4-6 inches on the ground Emma has what looks to be a mild case of pink eye… so off to the doctor we go. We wanted to see Dr Cruz, but Noooooooo he’s on vacation with his family. I think that Affinity needs to have a NO VACATION policy so we can see the doctors we want, when we want… I mean its all about us isn’t it? Tommy also spends a time talking about seeing AVATARin 3D the night before. WOW AVATAR has to be the best move I have ever seen!!! Ever ever ever!!! The 3D effects were just amazing!!! GO SEE IT!!!

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Emma Loves Pink Lions

The St. Elizabeth Hospital Pink Lion will always have a place in the heart of my 2 year old Emma. Ever since the birth of our son Drew 6 months ago, Emma pretty much demands that she see the “Pink Lion” so we need to drive by it, roll down her window so she can say hello. Take a look as we drive by today and see for yourself what it does to her.

Thanksviging eve

Tommy talks about his lunch with the AWESOME gals at Red Shoes PR as well as some of the top movers and shakers in the Fox Cities area. What a blast to meet folks from Affinity and Prospera CU as well as local twitter friends.

Appleton parade and injury of a co-worker all also topics of discussion.