TommyLog – Extra Hour a Day!

Hey Kids it’s dad. and for today’s TommyLog I want to celebrate the one-month anniversary of me being unemployed. I have to admit I was super scared at first – – I didn’t let on but I was scared. You’re always scared when you’re forced to do it on your own. No one likes it when the rug is pulled out from underneath you, but you know what we’re doing it.

One month into it, the Clifford family is above water and taking a look at what’s going on it’s pretty amazing. The thing that I love the most is the extra time that I get with kids. Previously I was leaving home at about 10 after seven it wouldn’t get home until well after 5 o’clock. Some days 6 o’clock some days 7 o’clock. That time adds up. Now each day I get to drop the kids off at school. I don’t drop the kids till 8-8:10am. So I get about an extra hour a day minimum with the kids.

That’s huge!!

Spending extra time with your kids is amazing. What would you do with an extra hour with your kids a day?

I love you kids.