Sad day In Twitterland

Boy there has been a lot of talk about death this past week with Ed, Farrah, MJ and now Billy Mays passing on. well today it hit a bit closer to home…

A friend from twitter, Megan Porter, aka @megapixel was killed in a car crash near her hometown of Fort Worth, Texas, she was just 24 years old.

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Here’s a pic she uploaded a few months ago. She was always sharing the love. Notice #3 on her listing…yes that me…Certainly we never met, but that’s the beauty of twitter… you didn’t have to. You can be friends from hundreds, even thousands of miles away. Notice I’m not the only person on this listing. there were others. WOW… pretty amazing that someone so far away, can influence. This is the power of twitter. 100%

My prayers go out to your family & friends Meg, You will be missed. Peace be with you…till we meet again!

– tommy

4 thoughts on “Sad day In Twitterland”

  1. She was such a sweet girl. Goes to show that you really need to live every day as best you can. Don't put things off. Tell the people you love that you love them.

  2. Wow, that shocks me. For the little tweets we had, it doesn't make any sense when I go to her profile.

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