Do you dive into political conversations on social media? Or do you stay far away? Tommy and Lisa talk about politics in the social media sphere.
Red Shoes Speaks No. 76 – to Fire or Not to Fire, That is the Question
Lisa and Tommy talk about the new Amazon Kindle Fire and what role it plays in the marketplace.
TommyLog – QR Codes – You are Doing It All Wrong!
*SIGH* I just do not understand why people do what they do. Why would you put a CAPTCHA in a QR code mobile experience? Why would you host a QR code training event in a room without WIFI or Cell coverage?
*Double Sigh*
The world needs this technology, what it DOES NOT NEED is hacks implementing it.
TommyLog – I Support FVTC and TECHWORKS
If you know anything about me, you know that I’m passionate about so many things. Over the past few months, with my daughter exploring colleges, education is now one of my passions. Good schools are not hard to find, but good schools WHERE you need them are. In this day and age, we need to be surrounded by the best schools. New, well trained students are the lifeblood of our society and we need this expansion of Fox Valley Technical College.
Please VOTE YES on April 3rd
TommyLog – Where Everybody Knows Your Name – MKE Edition
This weekend was a HUGE Appleton trip to AJ Bombers in Milwaukee. 10 of us from Appleton road tripped to AJB and met over 20 of Milwaukee’s finest for lunch, social media and general mayhem. Took the big kids and had the best time in a while.
Walking into AJ Bombers is like walking into your home. You are surrounded by friends. I love that and I love the customer service I get there. A truly awesome place.