What Were You Doing when you Heard the News?

What were you doing when you heard the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden? I was on the couch watching DVR‘d shows when I saw the The POTUS was having an emergency press conference come across my twitter feed! WOW!!. I immediately tuned to the cable news shows to see what was happening. While they were trying to make sense of it all..across my twitter stream came UNCONFIRMED: BIN LADEN DEAD! HOLY COW!!! The scoop was on twitter and not the news channels.

Where were you on 9/11 when you heard the news of the terrorist attacks? I’ll never forget that day as I’ll never forget where I was last night, May 1st 2011 when I heard the news…


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TommyLog – Making A Difference – Johnny The Bagger


Today I had a great training session with my main training buddy Matt from NWTC. In his class he showed the always relevant video called “johnny the Bagger” Johnny is a boy with down syndrome and worked for a grocery store. He wanted to make a difference so he started putting inspirational messages into each bag he helped check out. What an amazing video and well worth the watch. What can we do to make a difference?


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Red Shoes Speaks No 64 Irrational Customers

Jess & Tommy talk about a quote from the CEO of Acer Computer on how the success of the Apple iPad is due to irrational consumers. How well do you as consumers like being called irrational? be part of the discussion by leaving your comments below or tweeting using the hashtag #redshoesspeaks


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TommyLog – April Snow Storm


Aaaarg When will it end. More snow and here it is the 20th or April. We had a 75 degree day last week…where;s spring?!?!?!?!

Today I’m co-speaking with Jess Dennis of Red Shoes PR fame at Leaderfest. I’m so excited to be sharing the stage with her… what a treat. Our topic is how to be a killer advocate for social media at work. I hope it gets recorded!

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TommyLog – Help Wanted


Last night I got a great email from a Lori P about he helping find a quality summer intern for a Broadway play. This is just so cool that she would reach out to me after seeing some of the stuff I had done on social media and ask for help. now i’m not sure what i can do…but its sure very cool and an honor to be asked! So if you are interested in interning for a director of a broadway play — info at kefproductions dot com