Make it STOP – Black Friday Madness!

Hey kids, it’s dad. For today’s Tommylog I wanna talk to you about Thanksgiving. I have so many things to be thankful for. We had a wonderful time together. One thing that always follows Thanksgiving it’s Black Friday. Everybody is in the mood for a great deal. It’s stunning the amount of effort people go to to be first in line into work to get these deals. It’s horrible to watch the carnage on TV. Don’t these people realize you can get the same deals online? Why do you go to all the trouble —the elbows to the face, the pushing, the shelving, the fighting? I don’t get it! It’s just horrible!

Please, please, please! Do yourself a favor. Look online. The deals in the stores aren’t that awesome anyway. I promise you. I’ve done the homework. Just stay home, order from the comfort of your warm couch and footie pajamas. You’ll get similar or even better deals.

Black Friday is horrible!

As soon as we stop going, retailers will stop hosting such horrible horrible events!

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