TommyLog – Mountain to Climb – Be More Like Richard

Hey Kids it’s Dad, and today I want to talk about something really special that happened at Clara’s graduation. I went there expecting to be a teary eyed mess watching my daughter cross the stage. I was certainly a teary-eyed mess, but not for that reason. Sometimes it’s the unexpected things that catch you off-guard.  This unexpected tender moment happened when Clara’s elementary school friend Richard took the stage to get his certificate. You see Richard has special needs and is been in a wheelchair all his life. Clara and Richard have been good friends since fourth grade. Clara would sit next to him at lunch and went over all just be his friend. Clara has always had a warm spot in her heart for Richard.

OK back to the story. So when Richard’s mom wheeled him up to the podium to get his diploma, the whole audience was silent. One of the people on stage brought Richards walker up so he could walk to get his diploma. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house with yours truly leading the way. It was an amazing moment. Sadly Richard was not able to completely walk to get his diploma. But that’s not the point of the discussion. The point is how high of a mountain he had to climb to get where he was. I’ve been to high school, I know the amount of effort needed to graduate. And I know many of those kids coasted through high school, I know I did.

But then I look at Richard, and what he was able to accomplish. He did things no one thought he would ever be able to do and now he’s a high school graduate!

Kids we all have mountains to climb. But we need to give it our all. Richard gave everything he had to get where he is today. We all need to use Richard as our example. We all need to be a lot more like Richard!

TommyLog – Graduation Day – You Did It!!

Hey Kids, it’s Dad and today is Clara Eleanor Clifford’s High School Graduation day. What a joy to be able to attend and watch her shine. Today is all about you and your magnificent achievements. You are graduating #3 in your class. You make your mom and I so proud!

You are such a light to the world and everyone who meets you – knows exactly why. Keep Shining bright Clara!

TommyLog – Senior Scholarship Awards Night

Hey Kids it’s Dad and for today’s Tommy log I want to talk to you about Clara’s senior scholarship dinner. Every year Little chute high school, and Little Chute Career Pathways Academy have an end of the year scholarship dinner. This year’s dinner was amazing. There were over 70 scholarships given out during the 3 hour program. Scholarships ranging from $250 all the way up to full four-year ride scholarships were given out. Clara walked away with seven scholarships. What an amazing proud Dad moment.

Congratulations Clara and congratulations to all the award winners. What an all star group and and remember kids that hard work pays off!!

Tommylog TECH – Amazon Echo Unboxing

Hey Kids it’s Tommy when it rains it ours. My last unboxing was a Google Home; today I am unboxing its close cousin, an Amazon Echo. Lets see what’s in the box.

Stay tuned for more TommyLog TECH videos where I checkout the features of the Echo and maybe even do some head to head comparisons with the Home and see if it is indeed Tommy Approved!

If you want your very own Amazon Echo, you can look right here →

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TommyLog – Stir the Pot

Hey Kids it’s Dad, in for today’s TommyLog I want to talk about “stirring the pot”. I have a good friend who told a story about the president of Paramount Studios. Paramount Studios wasn’t doing so well in the late 70s early 80s. The president knew he had to do something. So what he did was he got out his Rolodex and started calling people and asking “what can I do for you”. After a many months of calling projects started falling in place. Movies like Footloose, Pretty in Pink, Beverly Hills Cop, fell into his lap. Paramount Studios was no longer near the bottom of the pile.

Kids we need to tell people that they’re important. We need to spend time listening to the needs of others. As soon as we put others first, they will put us first and Stir the Pot!