TommyLog: Grandpa Clifford’s Jaguar XKE

What a rare Christmas find. My dad sent me a picture he made from a 35 mm slide taken of his father in his new 1961 Jaguar XKE convertible. Slides..hello who takes slides anymore?? I didn’t know you can still get them developed…does anyone? If the story my dad is telling holds true, Grandpa Clifford got his XKE before Tonight Show host Jack Paar got his.


Red Shoes Speak No. 10 Fly Conan FLY

Lisa and Tommy talk about the late night talk show spat between NBC and Conan O’Brien. Conan is getting a reported $40 million to leave NBC, now’s the time for him to start anew. The Tonight Show is getting old and stale. Does he needs to get away from network TV and take his show to the internet? Be part of the conversion, tell us what you think. #redshoesspeak on twitter.

Red Shoes Speak No. 10 Fly Conan FLY from Jessica Dennis on Vimeo.

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