Red Shoes Speak – Tommy & Lisa Volume 1

Lisa Cruz, President of Red Shoes PR in Appleton, WI asked me to join her on a weekly video blog discussing current events dealing with social media. Who am I to say no to a request to speak my mind??… never!! Here goes. Please leave comments and topics you would like to see be tossed around in the ring.

For the first installment of Lisa & Tommy, they talk about the SEC and WIAA and their policy blocking social media and live-blogging activities and sporting events. Should the governing body of an athletic association be able to say who takes pictures and what info is posted from the venue?

RedShoes Speak Lisa & Tommy #1 from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

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Grow Personally to Succeed Professionally

I was asked by Rebecca Corliss @hubspot marketing to do this blog posting. I was so extied, but when she told me she wanted me to do a video blog posting, I was even more excited. I feel this is where my personality really shines. THANKS Rebecca and thanks HubSpot for your faith in me!!


Thomas Clifford, or @tommytrc, is a personable guy who loves creating videos for his kids, blogging, and building relationships on Twitter as the top Twitterer in Wisconsin. He’s given talks on how to “Be a Social Media Rock Star,” inspiring audiences to develop strong relationships in social media.

Tommy is a great example of someone who has used his personality to create a strong online (and offline) network. He holds nothing back, even sharing the the birth of his son with his online network by live-tweeting.

In the video below, Tommy talks about what building a personal brand means to him, and how being yourself online can help your business. Who wants to do business with people they don’t like?


Here are Tommy’s three steps to building a personal brand:

1) Start slow. The number of tools available can be overwhelming. Pick one or two, learn them, and move on. You’re not going to tackle the whole world overnight.

2) Just do it. There are plenty of excuses not to try, but social media is an experiment. You don’t know what does work until you find out what doesn’t work.

3) Be yourself. Don’t be a fake person or a robot. If people fall in love with you on a personal level, they are certainly going to want to do business with you on a professional level.

Who do you know and/or appreciate for their strong personal brand?

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TommyLog August 25, 2009 – Big Day

Today is a big day in N.E. Wisconsin. A lot of talk about Mercury Marine and the union talks. The breakdown in talks leading to a no contract vote,possibly eliminating not just the 800 Fond Du Lac union employees, but thousands others in the city. How does this happen? Wheres the talk? HUGE Day for Tommy has he had a guest video blog posting on’s website. This is MAJOR!!!! Over the top amazing…and its due to all my great friend IRL and around the globe. THANK YOU!!!

update: edited the video slightly..I think i farted or something, excuse the mess 🙂 LOL~


Tommytrc on the Radio

BrendiYour good friend and mine, Professor Brenda aka Profbrendi invited to me guest host a radio show is is doing on LA Talk Radio. “Her Intro to Blogging with Special Guest Social Media Nut Tommytrc” was just so much fun to do.  Here I am talking from my cell phone at a Walgreens parking lot, talking blogging and smiling all the way… What a BLAST!!! Thank you Professor for the opportunity to learn and grow! You can listen to us here.