TommyLog – Amazing Customer Support @TWC

So this week I have an amazing customer service story to share with you. I have been a decade long time warner cable customer. It seems glamorous these days to bag on Time Warner and move to DirecTV. I know countless of people who have left DirecTV and move back to Time Warner after the “special price” ends. I’m not one of those guys.

Over the last few weeks I’ve had some issues with my Internet speed and have opened up a few calls to Time Warner to take a look at why I’m not getting the speed I would expect. I had what they call the turbo plan is supposed to be 20 MB up and 5 MB down, but I wasn’t getting nearly that and my upload speed was half. So after a few calls I found out that it’s not my equipment it’s the plan they have me selected for. Apparently I have the old turbo plan and not the new turbo speed plan… Who knew?  After talking to this great support gal, she told me told me that she thought I was paying too much!!


Somebody in customer service actually being honest with me.– now that’s a new concept. My bill is about $180 a month; I have a couple HDTVs, DVR, and Internet access. The fact that someone was honest with me and telling me the truth… that’s too much. Well after a series of events I talked to somebody in customer solutions, the old retention department, and they were able to drop my bill about $40 and increase my Internet speed by twice downloads and five times upload. WOW!!!

THANK YOU Time Warner Cable and thank you for great customer support!

TommyLog – Standing Up For The Little Guy

Today I want to talk about Clara and her willingness to stand up for the little guy at school, even if it’s not the “cool” thing to do. Clara has a tendency to gravitate towards the people who are siting by themselves at the lunch table or alone in class. She has many friends at school with disabilities. She has won a few community service awards for her thoughtfulness. What a true hero in my mind and an example for all.

Her love in this area has led me to help, albeit in a much smaller way, a kid by the name of Austin who is trying to win a wheelchair accessible fan. I have been spreading his story around social media and trying to drum up virtual support. He has an amazing story and is worthy of your vote!

Please follow link & use code 813

TommyLog Special Guest David Jackson talks about Passion

Tommy visits the photography studio of David E. Jackson and they talk kids, work and passion. David has a zest for life as well as a photographic eye second to none. Watch out world… David is coming.

See all his magic at his website
