Red Shoes Speaks No. 48 $100 Million donation

Was it a big PR move for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to announce a $100 million donation to Jersey schools during the release of The Social Network? See what Tommy and Lisa think.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 48 $100 Million donation from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 47 Transparancy and Public Office

You are what you text, tweet and Facebook. We live in a transparent world but are most ready for it?

Red Shoes Speaks No 47 Transparancy and Public Office from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 45 Fact Checking and Social Media

Is social media feeding into sloppiness? Are we getting lazy about fact checking? Tommy and Lisa take a closer look at the Washington Post situation that featured Michael Wise.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 45 Fact Checking and Social Media from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 44 Yellowbooks are still around?

They still generate a lot in ad revenue but do we still need the Yellowbook? Tommy and Lisa discuss the pros and cons as well as who might still be using them.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 44 Yellowbooks are still around? from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.