Red Shoes Speaks – Social Media/Technology Predictions for 2010

Will e-mail be around in a few years from now? Are Web sites on their way out? Should companies have a social media corporate policy? Tommy and Lisa share their 2-cents worth on what they think is coming up in 2010 and beyond.

Social Media/Technology Predictions for 2010 from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Red Shoe Speaks No. 5 Tiger Woods PR Troubles

Lisa and Tommy talk about Tiger Woods and his latest headlines. Was the right PR strategy for Tiger to say nothing? Or would a more upfront approach be a better strategy? NOTE: This video was taken a few days after the news first broke.

What do you think? Sound off on Twitter hashtag #redshoesspeak

Red Shoe Speaks No. 5 – Tiger Woods from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

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In case you’re wondering, this is how you do an interview with me

I just roared when I read this off the Fake Steve Jobs website… Highlarious!

Questions in advance, nothing confrontational, remember that you depend on me to make a living and in two seconds I could end your career, keep it light, keep it moving, no followups, no arguing, no pressing for more info, be reverential at all times, remember that you are acting as an extension of our PR arm and the point of this interview is to promote Apple and promote our products. That’s how my dear friend David Pogue (above) does it, and it’s why he’ll always have access to our products ahead of everyone else. Much love, David Pogue. And namaste. I honor the place where your interests and my own become one.

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